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Pitts S2A aerobatic biplane includes reflective textures and animations by Markus Mayer

Filesize: 1.71 MB | Added on: Mar 24, 2004 | Downloads: 3067

Users Reviews
Pitts S2A aerobatic biplane includes reflective textures. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 8 reviews.

chrism7262rating: 6
July 3, 2007
the whole installation is in german no hablo other than that its a good model
29Erating: 7
August 24, 2006
it is pretty good, there no virtual cockpit, just an outlining, but gauges, smoke a little to much, the role rate slow, other than that fun aircraft fly
cobeyrating: 7
March 12, 2006
awsome just great good job i have had so much fun with you plane thanks
chrisco17rating: 8
February 27, 2005
This is a really good aircraft. I change the ailerons to 2 and it was great. love smoke, although seems tad too thick.
purpleponcarating: 10
October 3, 2004
i agree with terrydwyer, the roll rate is too slow, but you can edit it in aircraft.cfg , just change aileron from 1.0 to 2.0 and rolls a lot faster, great job on fine airplane, so what if instructions are foreign language, unzip fly aircraft, rating
jws921rating: 1
August 19, 2004
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS It has no brakes, throttle, the panel is a complete copy of Patty Wagstaff plane, and instructions are all in German. If you can not understand German, then this plane for you. I dont even know how thing got on surclaro if it cant take off
terrydwyerrating: 7
April 3, 2004
Nice little aircraft and similar to the real thing, great in air a bitch on ground Rate of roll is far too slow, but otherwise good work.
AirSOBrating: 10
March 28, 2004
I m a novice in this whole game and although his Loading instructions are German, its really easy the plane is blast. Its extremely fun fast red, white, blue smoke effects make it outstanding Great Job Markus