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FS2002 Tecnam P92-S Echo 100 HP by Andrea Bergamino

Filesize: 6.69 MB | Added on: Jun 02, 2003 | Downloads: 3117

Users Reviews
FS2002 Tecnam P92-S Echo 100 HP Andrea Bergamino. Rating: 7.22 of 10 over a total of 9 reviews.

phentiumrating: 1
October 26, 2006
No vuela nada bien. Esta totalmente descompensado.
quaxrotrating: 7
April 16, 2005
very helpful for my pilot trainig on the real tecnam p92, but its a pity that it doesn t run under FS2004
Unitedfrating: 10
November 1, 2004
airnzrating: 10
July 13, 2004
Pilatus_B42002rating: 8
August 22, 2003
porto255rating: 7
June 23, 2003
N200JMrating: 4
June 10, 2003
canoflexrating: 9
June 7, 2003
ez61rating: 9
June 3, 2003