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It is the 2002 Christmas present from Sakichi System. "Kuro Demekin (black pop-eyed goldfish) " is one of the famous goldfishes in the kind of a goldfish of Japan. The big eye which jumped out is the feature of that. Please enjoy the animation of Demekin with an external viewpoint. :-) by Ogawa Tetsuji

Filesize: 381.74 Kb | Added on: Dec 25, 2002 | Downloads: 1693

Users Reviews
2002 Christmas present Sakichi System. Rating: 9.75 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

BobbyPlane6252rating: 10
May 8, 2009
LOL AWESOME This is the funniest add on I ever seen. fish can fly as well 10
Marc-Andrerating: 9
December 10, 2003
Demeki Fish is too dark,,,, light color and it would be a ten. Great detail.
Kooparating: 10
February 13, 2003
This lovely fish is a realy must have . The Details are great
Fawn100rating: 10
December 28, 2002
Its great. Fins and eyes move, even the mouth. Very nice