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FS2002 Panel By Roger S. Gilbert This is a realistic panel for the Cessna Citation CJ1 aircraft, This panel was made by myself a professional pilot and is a true representation of the panel taken from actual Photos. Features are, pop up yoke and throttles as well as GPS, and a rear passengers cabin view This aircraft can be used with cj1jet. zip by Herve Devred. I hope this panel makes flying it more enjoyable. It can also be used with other comparable biz jets depending on the aircraft. cfg enjoy.

Filesize: 3.84 MB | Added on: Dec 01, 2002 | Downloads: 1472

Users Reviews
FS2002 Panel Roger S. Rating: 2.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

ABJ68rating: 2
April 11, 2003
The only thing that i liked about this panel was the rear view. Its just not realistic at all. I did use for my Citation.