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FS2002 Military Aero L39 Albatros. Czech Air Force "Tiger Squadron" color scheme. L-39 is a Czechoslovak two-seat jet trainer. Features all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc.. and 3D virtual cockpit with glass canopy reflections. Main news in this version: new 2D panel (with top and down view, instruments gauges in feets and knots) and new flight dynamics.

Filesize: 1.76 MB | Added on: May 23, 2001 | Downloads: 2725

Users Reviews
FS2002 Military Aero L39 Albatros. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

R35P3CTrating: 10
September 13, 2006
This is czechoslovak aircraft. It was in the army of Warshaw pakt. And it used for learning flies.
grudarating: 9
April 11, 2006
very good thing