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Fs2000 cfs2 Hummel Bird Ultralight. Ultralight For Fs2000 cfs2, Includes: Animated Parts, Pilots Head Moves Left And Right With Rudder, Accurate Fdes, Aluminum Texutres, Foto-real Panel, Static Panel Can Be Seen From Spot Plane View, Detailed Engine, Fs2k Style Propdisk, Panel Uses Default Gauges, Cfs2 Custom Dp, Stick Moves Left And Right With Elevators By Felipe Belalcazar

Filesize: 928.48 Kb | Added on: Aug 26, 2002 | Downloads: 1550

Users Reviews
Fs2000 cfs2 Hummel Bird Ultralight. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

HOWLER304rating: 9
April 28, 2003
GREAT LITTLE AIRPLANE Being a fan of Hummel Aviation i had to get this plane. it flys great.. only one thing not commplaining at all did change the panel but just little