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Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Airport v2. 60 Upgrade to Build 149 Maintenance release which addresses bugs and adds features which have been reported. Corrected API files for Radar2 and Radar3 are included and should be copied to the API folder. This file should be installed exclusively by Users who have previously installed any build of Airport v2. 60. If upgrading from v2. 10, get the full v2. 60 installation. Airport v2. 60 Upgrade by Tom Hiscox. Original Airport written by Pascal Meziat. email: support@airportforwi ndows. com. mirror site: www. airportforwindows. com mirror site: www. flightsimnetwork. com airportsupport

Filesize: 1.92 MB | Added on: Jul 07, 2002 | Downloads: 1236

Users Reviews
Airport v2.60 Upgrade Build 149 Maintenance release. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

tyrbekrating: 5
November 20, 2002