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FS2002 PRO MD-11 CARGO PANEL Semipicturerealistic main panel with overhead, GPS, radio stack, and pedestal pop up windows all accessible by FS2002 Simicons. Gauges Instruments included are a windspeed and direction gauge and waypoint distance and direction gauge on the pedestal, flight director switch, NAV GPS switch, a NAV display toggle switch to name a few. Jim Johnsons crew announcement instruments gauges on a photrealistic overhead panel, Bob Guys fuel status gauge, and Chuck Domes ALTGPS2 gauge. Over 40 functioning instruments gauges on the main panel alone. B. G., J. J., and C. D. s instruments gauges are included with this file. By Tom Dennis

Filesize: 5.63 MB | Added on: Apr 18, 2002 | Downloads: 3493

Users Reviews
FS2002 PRO MD-11 CARGO PANEL Semipicturerealistic main. Rating: 5.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

ttoysrating: 1
July 1, 2003
axxisrating: 10
January 28, 2003