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FS2002 Classic Goodyear Blimp, The Defender Experience the fun in commanding the luxurious art deco flagship of the Goodyear fleet in the golden age of blimps!! The 178, 000 cu. ft Defender passenger airship was built in 1929 and for 5 years ruled as queen of the passenger blimps. Complete animated airship, panel, gauges, sounds and blimp flight lesson are included. Features fully animated virtual cabin. By Bill Lyons of the Golden Eagles Squadron, 2002

Filesize: 1.46 MB | Added on: Jan 30, 2002 | Downloads: 7874

Users Reviews
FS2002 Classic Goodyear Blimp Defender Experience fun. Rating: 8.62 of 10 over a total of 16 reviews.

fsimfanrating: 9
October 9, 2009
so coooolll see if you can make the hindenburg airship.
tcaptainrating: 10
January 2, 2006
this thing kicks
sscairrating: 9
February 20, 2005
Great blimp Fun to fly, slow enough get a good view of the sceenery.
Big_Rickrating: 8
November 4, 2004
A very GOOD blimp lot of fun, and fantastic for really looking at the scenery
eblundellrating: 10
August 14, 2004
kronotaurrating: 10
January 1, 2004
Finally a blimp And very nice one at that. Excellent job great virtual cocpit and level of detail.
james_isaacrating: 9
December 19, 2003
Great Amazing virtual cockpit, and fun easy to make new skins for...
tdtdrating: 10
August 16, 2003
Nice blimp fun to fly
Freedmand2001rating: 1
December 22, 2002
vmichnarating: 7
December 3, 2002
davidpaulsmithrating: 10
November 17, 2002
d_1280rating: 10
November 11, 2002
This add on is very funny with a nice virtual cockpit The textures are highly detailed, too
Anonymousrating: 10
April 9, 2002
Anonymousrating: 10
April 3, 2002
Anonymousrating: 9
March 20, 2002
Anonymousrating: 10
March 13, 2002