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FSX Bombardier CSeries CS100. Included are the liveries of Swiss HB-JBA, Test Aircraft FTV1 C-FBCS, and Delta Air Lines. The CSeries are my first models built from scratch for FSX. It was made using FSDS v3. 5; the flight dynamics were created using airwrench; the panel was made with FS Panel Studios using default gauges. This is not meant to be a complex model therefore it should be very frame rate friendly. Model, repaints, and flight dynamics by Hongming Zheng. Repaints Feel free to repaint this model and upload it where ever you like as long as you give me credit for the model and FDE. The CS300 was my first model so the texture layout was made a little complicated than neccessary, the CS100 uses the same texture layout so dont worry about the filenames having CS300 in them. Here are s
Show more... ome tips for repainting to avoid confusion. -The CS300backleft and CS300backright bmp files are not used to paint the fuselage back, use CS300fuselageleftsid e and CS300fuselagerightsi de instead. However dont bother painting the wingroot area in these 2 files, since the actual wingroot paint uses CS300wingrootl (for both left and right sides) -The airbaltic and airbaltic2 bmp files are the outboard paint of the left and right winglets, respectively. -The nose of the aircraft is repainted from the front view, which may make it tricky to repaint and takes practice and experimentation. Known Issues -Main exits reflection doesnt match the rest of fuselage -Left MLG tire rolls funny -No spoileron animation yet (None of these affect the aircrafts actual behavior and are just model issues) Show less...

Filesize: 16.25 MB | Added on: Oct 02, 2017 | Downloads: 2019