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Orlando Apopka Airport (X04). Apopka, Florida Bouley Designs Scenery design for Microsoft FS2004 FS9 To install, place the main extracted folder into your addon scenery folder. Activate the folder scenery from within FS. View the readme file with the scenery for installation instructions. Orlando Apopka Airport (X04), formerly known as Orlando Country is a privately-owned, public-use airport, featuring a lighted, paved runway, a brand new, full-featured FBO, with 100LL and Jet-A available. Visitors are always welcome, so stop by and say hello on your way through. Airport Name. Orlando Apopka Airport FAA Identifier. X04 UNICOM. 123. 05 Runway. 15 33 (2, 611 x 60 ft) Surface. Asphalt Airport Elevation. 143 ft Location. 4 mi. NW of Apopka, Florida LAT. 28-42-25. 9840N LONG. 081-34-54. 2640W F
Show more... BO. Bentley Aviation Hours. 9 am 5 pm, M F Fuel. 100LL + Jet A Contact. 407 886 7663 Check us out online at http. flightsimmersworld. org Our software is always free Thanks for downloading! Bruce Bouley flightsimmersworldat gmail. com Show less...

Filesize: 82.85 Kb | Added on: Oct 09, 2012 | Downloads: 1347

Users Reviews
Orlando Apopka Airport X04. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

boeingfreakrating: 7
August 16, 2013
Nice little airport, i would defiantly recommend.