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FSX FS9 Armilla LEGA X Low detail. Launched in 2005, this project has been shaped over the years, each time taking advantage of the technologies available in the moment, remaking and redesigning, always in search of better performance and level of detail. Much effort has been put into this project and that is why we are proud to finally publish a final version. The main objective has always been the most faithful representation of the Armilla Air Base within the possibilities of each moment. Today, thanks to new tools, we have achieved that goal and weve got an adequate performance on any type of personal computer. The scenary has two versions: basic or low detail and a complete or high detail. The reason for this solution is the use of all fans of flight simulation of the basic version of
Show more... the scenery, which includes a detailed representation of the flying Air Force Base without having to belong to the Ala 78 Virtual flight group. However, given that this project was developed primarily for operations of the members of Ala 78 Virtual, the advantage of being able to access the full version after successfully completing the process of joining our flight group is an incentive for all new applicants. In the design process (whose development from its beginnings can be followed on our official blog) have used all sorts of techniques and tools. The final version has been developed entirely with Google SketchUp 8, which enabled us to add many new details to the objects. Old applications consume too many PC resources, which does not occur with SU8. We hope you enjoy as we do this scenary in your departures from or landings at our beloved Armilla Air Base. Show less...

Filesize: 17.74 MB | Added on: Sep 15, 2012 | Downloads: 1174