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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Project Opensky Airbus A330-300 Pratt & Whitney Engines U. S. Airways & Northwest. Includes model and panel with Virtual Cockpit. This model lacks a Virtual Cockpit A P and A T. Included separate window Shift+4 for Virtual Cockpit autopilot and mode select functions. Wing views parms included. Merged MS Airbus A3irbus A321 panel into the FS2004 A330 Posky file, including using all msfs default instruments gauges in Virtual Cockpit. To install, copy included file named, Project Opensky A330-300 into your Simobjects Airplanes file. This file includes a freeware Sound file no AI sound file included. Click on instruments gauges for enlarging MFD, PFD, ECAMS, and ECAMS lower. Created DDS files from orginial. bmp FS2004 textures with freeware software. Testing revealed you must have Light Bloom TURNED OFF!!! J. Waters jamwaters_at_hotmail . com Tested in FSX Only.

Filesize: 37.85 MB | Added on: Dec 28, 2008 | Downloads: 2888

Users Reviews
FSX Project Opensky Airbus A330-300 Pratt & Whitney. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

haisonrating: 10
May 23, 2009
zebierating: 9
January 21, 2009
Very nice rendition