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Lunar Rower for FS2004 or FSX Lunar Rover on the Moon Version 1. Lunar Rover on the Moon. Rower has Static Virtual Cockpit and animated wheels, Mesh is imported from Orbiter (K-Lunar-Rover-v4 by kev33) into Gmax and exported for MS Flightsimulator. Just place in Aircraft or Airplanes folder.. . Have Fun Claus V. Holmberg gsx-r400r_at_hotmail . com

Filesize: 2.36 MB | Added on: Oct 28, 2008 | Downloads: 1856

Users Reviews
Lunar Rower FS2004 FSX Rover Moon Version 1. Rating: 2.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

kylejduanrating: 3
October 15, 2010
not to good
Graupnerrating: 1
April 16, 2010
This does not load in FSX. Are the batteries dead