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Complete Aircraft
FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald fitzgeba_at_hotmail. com Maximum Performance full envelope capable of FSX Max speed; (2667 kts GPS-GS) Stable and Strong under Extreme G loads and maximum dynamic pressures Ultra efficient, High Thrust, Vectored Thrust SuperSpoilers Deflection flaps for hovering flight Rev 1. 5 Additions > guns and Virtual Cockpit viewpoint added to model reflective textures in model enabled (uses msfs default texture not alpha channel) FSXguns effect added panel simplified and gun gauge added cylon sound effects included

Filesize: 3.91 MB | Added on: Jul 17, 2007 | Downloads: 2384

Users Reviews
FSX Bruce Fitzgerald fitzgeba_at_hotmail. Rating: 6.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

fc_09619008170357028124rating: 9
June 22, 2010
I would rate ten if you could go inside the actual cockpit. There are no gauges or anything. Just your altitude and airspeed in 2D
lonelykatanarating: 4
October 4, 2007
sorry but this is a poor add on