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FS2004 FS2002 CONVAIR CV-440 61 Aeronautica Militare Italiana ZR 1 Based on repaint templates and original textures by Greg Pepper, Max, and Tom Gibson, this textures set in Aeronautica Militare Italiana livery requires the Tom Gibsons CONVAIR CV-440 bundle (long nose version). This plane and many other classic airliners can be downloaded free from Tom Gibsons Classic Airliner WEB site at http: www. calclassic. com. Installation instructions are included. The Italian Air Force aquired this plane from ALITALIA on 1961 and used it for V. I. P. transport. This aircraft, based on the Ciampinos Airport, belonged to Reparto Volo (flying group) of the Rome Zones Air Force Command (Comando Zona Aerea di Roma) during 60. Textures repaint by Manuele Villa. File name: 440_AMI1. ZIP

Filesize: 2.09 MB | Added on: Jan 09, 2006 | Downloads: 1293