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FS2004 picturereal Panel SAAB-2000 with full internal views made by Horst Paetzold Important!! You need Concorde-gauges This panel was made for the excellent SAAB-2000 made by Philip Nordlander available at http: fss. nordicair. org As I found no pictures for some interior views, I composed the bitmaps for left and right and for the 2 engine-views, which represent my impression of a wingview from a Crossair flight in the Saab 2000. Sometimes I like to fly as my own passenger, consequently my preference for wingviews. Installation: unzip panel. zip into the panel-folder of your aircraft unzip gauges. zip into Flightsim FS2004 FS9 gauges-folder The entry for RADIOS in aircraft. cfg should read as follows: [Radios] Radio Type availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio. 1 1 Com. 1 1,
Show more... Com. 2 0, Nav. 1 1, 0, 1 Nav. 2 1, 0, 0 Adf. 1 1 Transponder. 1 1 Marker. 1 1 What is from me: Nothing except the bitmaps and the panel arrangement. CREDIT consequently goes to all gauge-developers and preferably to David Durst for his Saab-gauges. Good flights to all of you ! Horst Paetzold horstcloudflyer_at_a ol. com Show less...

Filesize: 3.48 MB | Added on: Dec 16, 2005 | Downloads: 3393

Users Reviews
FS2004 picturereal Panel SAAB-2000 with full internal. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

propsboyrating: 9
December 19, 2005
This is one of the better saab panels that i ve seen, thanks.