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FS2004 Glider Tow Operation Video This file presents a flight video over Lleida Airfield (LEAT), , Catalonia, Spain: It simulates a Aero Boero towing a Blanik L-13 Glider and can be useful for glider airplane training because it represents the view of glider airplane pilot student in his cockpit: 1. Take-off -Aero Boero (AB-220) towing L-13 from Lleida Airfield (ICAO LETA) elevation 1380 ft;. 2. Climb During flight glider airplane pilot student must keep vision of tow plane wings flattened to horizon and ascencion is rectangular format paralel to airfield directions (RWY 01 19), so both aircrafts stays inside security cone if happens a pane; 3. Release 2000 feet above ground is pattern level to leave tow plane (J-3 pilot balance two wings thats the signal) ; 4. After release flightsimmers
Show more... change AB for L-13 and so glider airplane flight begin; 5. Thermals clibbing keep glider airplane above stall speed (55km h-29. 7kts) and make right and port curves. After 9000ft we must use oxygen equipaments; 6. Choose a ground reference Iniciate straigh and horizontal flight; 7. First and second types coordinations; 8. Stall; 9. Right and left spins; 10. Looping; 11. Split S (Retournement) ; 12. Landing RWY 01 as predominant wind direction was 30 degrees It is freeware. By Francisco Vargas. E-mail:cmtvargas_at_ superonda. com. br Show less...

Filesize: 1.98 MB | Added on: Nov 12, 2005 | Downloads: 968

Users Reviews
FS2004 Glider Tow Operation Video presents a flight video. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

MarcelDrating: 10
January 28, 2006