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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 Aero L-29 Delfin The Czech Aero L-29 Delfin Jet Traning Aircraft first flew in 1959. Eventually over 3000 were built, and served as the standard (except Poland) Warsaw Pact trainer. Later replaced by the L-39 Albatross. NATO code name Maya This Model has full anis, Virtual Cockpit including both seats, tailored gauges, switchable sight, and markings for Czech, USSR, Syria, Uganda, and East Germany.

Filesize: 10.57 MB | Added on: Oct 30, 2004 | Downloads: 7580

Users Reviews
FS2004 Aero L-29 Delfin Czech Jet Traning Aircraft flew. Rating: 7.62 of 10 over a total of 13 reviews.

Terzi1985rating: 8
May 5, 2011
geburating: 10
October 27, 2007
i flew in an original l 29 and must say that is the best download youwill ever senn from this jet sound could be more realistic but its a wonderful jet.Please make 39 on base of L detail flight
tennmannrating: 10
October 7, 2006
very good
dovemd80rating: 9
August 23, 2006
Excellent model. One of my all time favorites. Great 2D panel. Exterior is a 10. could use better sound when in the cockpit.
thudfrating: 9
May 23, 2006
Great detail. The work on individual panel lines must have taken some time to out. Detail jet turbine effect was very nice touch.
Joichiro_Nishirating: 4
January 20, 2006
No panel, flys like a brick wall
jamsan2005rating: 4
January 14, 2006
Well its a nice jet but there wasnt panel when i downloaded it and handels like brick with wings
smurfy100rating: 10
December 14, 2005
Fantastic plane i hope you will release more like this soon
3303robrating: 1
September 2, 2005
hello. im rob kaspers thanks for te aircraft P
HELLBOY2004rating: 9
June 14, 2005
bk27509rating: 8
April 21, 2005
Nice jet
skipsteelrating: 9
November 28, 2004
A someone knows what there doing, it s docile with just enough response very realistic flight model. Its a tad touchy on pitch stablility, but generally superb.
Hootstarating: 8
October 31, 2004
First rate job, mate Excellent aircraft, I recommend it. Great 2D panel and VC, although not a 10 because would have liked to seen more detail on the VC. Also engine sounds are fairly boring, they probably realistic. Good Job.