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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
HEINKEL He P1079B II Heavy Fighter For FS2002 By Steve Robinson. The P1079B II heavy fighter is a Modern day version of the WWII design created by Gunter, Eichner and Hohbach. The aircraft is fully animated and this includes variable geometry 3D vectoring jet nozzles GMAX FILE INCLUDED. The P1079B is finished off in snow camoflage. The dynamic virtual cockpit and panel use msfs default guages. The aircraft is capable of Mach 1. 14, at sea level, and is very manouverable. Please read the readme file for more info on this unique aircraft. file size 1. 6M.

Filesize: 1.57 MB | Added on: May 04, 2002 | Downloads: 1538

Users Reviews
HEINKEL P1079B II Heavy Fighter FS2002 Steve Robinson. Rating: 9.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

nightravenrating: 10
October 8, 2003
Is a good design the visual model and panel have many work is great I recommend this plane.
Flying_Mikerating: 8
June 30, 2002
great feeling to fly this jet
strega13rating: 10
May 9, 2002
unusual design , great graphics and physics we need more like this