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FS2002 FSUIPC Version 2. 81 FSUIPC is effectively a successor to FS6IPC. dll. Both modules are designed to allow external (i. e. separate) softwares to communicate with and perhaps control Microsoft Flight Simulator. It seems some folks are rather confused about what this means, so I should emphasise here that Flight Simulator Panels (including their Gauges), Aircraft, Scenery and other graphics, and pretty much everything else within Flight Simulator, are mostly NOT correctable or influenced in any way by FSUIPC. Apart from some assistance in giving weather data to adventures, making adjustments in the weather itself, and enabling better access to some engine variables for some Gauges, FSUIPC can exclusively help external applications talk to FS, nothing more By: Pete Dowbson.

Filesize: 498.00 Kb | Added on: Jan 27, 2002 | Downloads: 3435