Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
FSX Washington State TOWR Remote Tower Base Operations. OK, all you Rotorheads This is a fictional version of a very remote Helicopter landing pad on the Olympic Penn. You must fly a Helo. I created it for my personal enjoyment and now I am releasing to the public as freeware. I hope you enjoy the eye-candy. There are multiple radio and fire spotting towers in the area to check out. At least it gives you something to travel there for. This is an extremely challenging spot to land, especially using real Wx. The landing pad is basically a postage stamp. I created it and have a tough time landing here myself, so have fun with this one. You may also go directly to this airport by selecting TOWR as your starting airport. I also added a series of images so you can figure out how to get there fro
Show more... m somewhere else. If you have my Wynoochie Lake scenery, its only 6 miles from there. (Just a heads-up) Designed with the FS X Sdk Scenery function of the Mission builder, Lee Swordys AFCAD & the Abacus Scenery shortcut tool. This scenery is frame rate friendly. by Bob Caparoula www. flydeervalley. com have a great relaxing trip, take time to look around. bobcapatcomcast. net Install. just extract the. bgl files into your Addon Sceneryscenery folder. C. software FilesMicrosoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X Addons Sceneryscenery FS X should recognize the new file and activate it for you. Freeware use at your own discretion. Im not responsible for anything. If you dont like it, delete the. bgl files and youll be good to go. I dont mind you using this scenery but Please contact me first before uploading to other sites. I am finding my stuff all over the place. I like to know where it is. Feedback appreciated helps me hone my skills bob Show less...

Filesize: 5.85 MB | Added on: Dec 19, 2017 | Downloads: 2001