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FSX Ilyushin IL-28 Beagle. The Il-28 was the first jet bomber of the Soviet Air Force. It was developed in the end of the 40ies. After WW II the Soviets (also the Americans, British and French) got access to research results, development results and also to the engineering stuff of the german aeronautical industry. Some german jets, like the Messerschmitt M-262 and the Arado Ar-234 were tested and some german engineers and technicians, like Brunolf Baade, worked in the Soviet Union for a while. The Soviets thought about the production of german jets, but in the end they decided to make their own constructions. The IL-28 was one of these. It got the NATO codename Beagle. Includes the following liveries, Soviet Air Force, ca. 1960, North Vietnam Air Force Democratic Republik Viet Nam, NVA ZD
Show more... S 22, 1960, Il-28P Aeroflot Postal and Cargo Service, Il-28 Soviet Air Force, during Prague Spring, August 1968, Maygar Legiero Hungarian Air Force, Kiskunlachaza Air Base, Polish Air Force, 7th Bomber Brigade, Powidz Air Base, United Arab Republic Air Force, 1967, Yemen and October War, Egypt Arab Republic Air Force, 1956 War on Suez Channel, Democratic Republik Viet Nam, Phuc Yen Air Base, United Arab Republic Air Force, Kom Ashwin Air Base, Korean Democtratic Peoples Republic, Maygar Legiero Hungarian Insurgents 1956, Kunmadaras Air Field, Harbin H-5 Republic of China Air Force, Harbin H-5 Peoples Republic of China Air Force. Full documentation included. I didnt make a virtual cockpit. Flying this aircraft needs booth pilot and navigator but they are sitting on completely different places. Thats why its difficult to build an functionally virtual cockpit. The gauges made by Dimtri Samborski for the Tupolev Tu-124 are used in compliance to the primary purpose of the IL-28P. I made only a panel bitmap for the pilot und modified some special gauges. By Ralf Kreibich. Show less...

Filesize: 51.07 MB | Added on: Dec 01, 2017 | Downloads: 2059