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Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Star Wars RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor. Maximum Performance full envelope capable of FSX Max speed (2667 kts GPS-GS) Stable and Strong under Extreme G loads and maximum dynamic pressures Ultra efficient, High Thrust, SuperSpoilers Deflection flaps for hovering flight for FSX by Bruce Fitzgerald. INSTALLATION. Unzip SWAWing. zip and locate aircraft folder, {make sure its not double foldered), and copy to FSX simobjects airplanes locate the effects folder, copy all the fx files inside, Not the folder and paste to FSX effects locate the texture folder within the effects folder copy all the BMP files inside, Not the folder and paste to FSX effects textures. The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor was a Star Wars wedge-shaped starfighter manufactured by Kuat Systems Engineering, which took design inspiratio
Show more... n from the Republic starfighters of the Clone Wars. They were used by the early rebel movement against the Galactic Empire and the subsequent Rebel Alliance, seeing action during the Age of the Empire and the Galactic Civil War. It was still in use thirty years later during the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order (Wookieepedia) Show less...

Filesize: 1.88 MB | Added on: Nov 04, 2017 | Downloads: 1857