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Complete Aircraft
Aero Vodochody L39 Albatros FSX. Only This aircraft is a real world Jet Fighter and is owned and operated by. Gareth and is hangerd at Lancaster Regional Airport Cold War Museum Lancaster, TX [KLNC] and is done in its real world color scheme as of today. This flight Model was created by. http. forum. gmax-ac. fr index. php All other updates were added by. The FSLightman Captain Dave. David Grindele www. fslightman. com fslightmanathotmail. com

Filesize: 15.93 MB | Added on: Sep 29, 2012 | Downloads: 3129

Users Reviews
Aero Vodochody L39 Albatros FSX. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

Firephoenix905rating: 4
December 13, 2016
Supper complex download, and even yet, it doesnt have a V cockpit you cant see anything from the view. I don t recommend it.
100000331419028-facebookrating: 8
June 11, 2013
The best sub sonic fighter jet
Windows8Userrating: 10
March 26, 2013
i want those points
radek70rating: 10
October 22, 2012
The best sub sonic fighter jet