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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 fs9 EUROCOPTER AS350 B2 Ecureuil (sQUIRREL) The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by A rospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar. AS350 B2 Higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B1 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control. This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role capable chopper. The sim model aircraft is has a very accurate flight dynamics and controls. MODEL by Aur lien Terriere (aurelienatfsfrance. com) Repainted by. Gerard G. Olvis gerry. olvisatgmail. com Cebu, Philippines

Filesize: 18.80 MB | Added on: Sep 14, 2012 | Downloads: 2341

Users Reviews
FS2004 fs9 EUROCOPTER AS350 B2 Ecureuil sQUIRREL. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

100000552137547-facebookrating: 10
April 29, 2013
This is a very good aircraft to fly
100000370690973-facebookrating: 8
October 4, 2012
a very nice helicoptor one of my best and easy to fly