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Airport of the Sinop Mato Grosso Brazil IATA. OPS ICAO. SWSI Runway. 03 21 1600 x 30 m Operation. VFR day and nighty Scenery For Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Install 1. Extract Files 2. Copy the Addon Scenery and Scenery folders into the folder of your Flight Simulator X. 3. Now start your Flight Simulator X. 4. Select Settings and Scenery Library from the main menu. 5. In the Scenery Library menu, press Add Area. 6. Locate SWSI folder. Amend the scenery area title if needed. Keep setting Use this scenery directly and press OK. 7. Press OK. Important Reminders. This is a Freeware scenery and, as such, can be freely distributed as long as it s kept in its original and integral form. Author. Eduardo Mello email. eduardoamllatgmail. com Windsock Unknown author.

Filesize: 2.73 MB | Added on: Jun 28, 2012 | Downloads: 1630