Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
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Complete Aircraft
FS98 Airbus A340-500. FS98 Airbus Airbus A340-500 White paint kit. Original AF99 aircraft model source file created by Camil Valiquette, turbine improvement and gear bay door texturing created by Stephan Scholz, flight dynamics edited created by Andre Lederer, textures repainted created by Udo Entenmann.

Filesize: 228.13 Kb | Added on: Jun 20, 2011 | Downloads: 1743

Users Reviews
FS98 Airbus A340-500. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

mrjman3rrating: 8
July 22, 2011
nice plane
100000553767684-facebookrating: 9
July 5, 2011