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Boeing 727-100 fsx SuperPerformer. Welcome to www. vikingair. dk s Boeing 727-100 fsx SuperPerformer Please let us know howe you find the Aircraft on kkimsathotmail. com Hi flightsimmer First of all, we dont know to whom we shall give our credit to for this wonderfull machine. we simply cannot find any name anyware However we have made a few changes so you will have power enough. Just Try!!! 1 the cockpit is special designed Boeing 737-800 cockpit with a overhead panel (the overhead panel is only for a reallistic cockpit look) If you want you can put in any cockpit you like using notepad and write. [fltsim] alias b737800panel or any other panel you have in your aircraft folder. We powered up the engines a little. -) for short runways an quick climp. Install. Simply unzip the aircraft the b
Show more... 727100 folder file to your desktop and put the B727-100 folder in to your Aircraft folder copy the file inside the smoke folder into the main effect fsx folder. You will now have black smoke after the engines once you power up the engines. Remember to press I for the smoke. We do hope you will enjoy the aircraft The grand repaint created by Per Neis. Panel construction created by Per Neis. Aircraft adjustments created by Kim Schandorff. Remember to start all 3 engines the best is to align a button to engine autostart under options in your fsx Menu Important. The aircraft is tested in fsx and run excellent!!! User accept all risk of use. Any question about the aircraft please contact. Kim Schandorff kkimsathotmail. com Show less...

Filesize: 35.60 MB | Added on: May 20, 2011 | Downloads: 2827

Users Reviews
Boeing 727-100 FSX SuperPerformer. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

fastflugrating: 9
February 28, 2018
Beautiful airplane, outstanding paint details and scheme, lack of Virtual Cockpit hence the rate downgrade
100007491366648-facebookrating: 10
June 30, 2014
THe best Addon
okie5rating: 8
March 6, 2012
Very nice aircraft I really like the paint job.There s just something about these older planes.