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Eirunepe, AM Brazil (SWEI). For those of you that like to simulate real airlines schedule, here is Eirunepe, AM. Eirunep is a small town located in the state of Amazonas (north of Brazil). Population in 2010 was 30, 666 Airport is served developed by only one airline, TRIP LINHAS AEREAS (www. voetrip. com. br) with E-170 and ATR-72. All other flights are general aviation. Airport information (FS2004). RWY 16 34 ? 7, 735ft long x 180 ft wide Altitude. 415 ft Tower. 122. 10 MHz Installation. 1 Unzip Eirunepe. zip into a temporary folder. 2 Cut Eirunepe folder and paste in C. software filesMicrosoft GamesFlight Simulator 9Addon Scenery 3 Start flight sim, go to settings, scenery library, add area. Select Eirunepe folder and that s it. Good flight. Ediel Bergara Senna edsennaatyahoo. com Campinas, SP Brasil

Filesize: 4.86 MB | Added on: May 08, 2011 | Downloads: 1217

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Eirunepe Brazil SWEI. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

numagrangerating: 10
November 15, 2014