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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Pond Racer Scaled Composites. Original Model for FS2004 pondracerfs2004. zip by Blake Melancon with edited and additional textures and a couple of gauges for FSX use.. the original fs2004 model was invisible in fs2004 due to alpha texture issues!.. Night lights do not work as most flying would be in the day!.. . I have also tweaked both CFG and air files to simulate a TWEAKED what if 2011 version improved pond racer!.. .. engines and power uprated!.. now its possible to do 540mph!.. slightly faster than Rarebear world record of 528mph.. . so have fun at the reno races! Original aircraft by: Model Panel Sound by Blake Melancon Flight Dynamics by Travis Fitzpatrick Additional Gauges provided by: Don Kuhn: Garmin GTX 330 Transponder Gerd Nehr: Apollo Radio Stack Jim Robinson: Directional
Show more... Gyro Matt Hinchliffe: Light Aircraft Autopilot. I wanted to thank all of those whose guidance, wisdom and help made this project possible: Dave Nunez, Nate Rosenstrauch, Travis Fitzpatrick, Warwick Carter, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Felix Rodriguez, Wayne Tudor, Don Kuhn and the gang at Freeflightdesign. com. Blake Melancon (bmelanconatcomcast. net) Show less...

Filesize: 25.71 MB | Added on: Dec 23, 2010 | Downloads: 3408

Users Reviews
FSX Pond Racer Scaled Composites. Rating: 8.83 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

poopbuttjr-googlerating: 6
November 21, 2012
Well what can I say.. This is simply stunning. The outside texture and structure looks really nice. But, would have to rate it a 9 because the virtual cockpit need bit more detail...but that could of been my computer s fauld old slow.
billy31rating: 8
April 16, 2012
amusant, controle a basse vitesse surprenant, CV de bonne qualit mais reserv la possibilit navigation limit
strongking43rating: 9
June 29, 2011
Well what can I say.. This is simply stunning. The outside texture and structure looks really nice. But, would have to rate it a 9 because the virtual cockpit need bit more detail...but that could of been my computer s fauld old slow.
100002458832290-facebookrating: 10
May 8, 2011
Great let me join in sky
blakwolf2000rating: 10
May 7, 2011
This one is a lot of fun. You can see the scenery and whip where ever you need to. Love fun
fc_14668173470737052297rating: 10
January 28, 2011
I love this craft. By far one of my favorite planes for FSX. Handles smooth and looks great. Well Done