Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Special Effects
Blue Smoke Effect. TO INSTALL sIMPLY OPEN YOUR AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION FILE OF ANY AIRCRAFT AND SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF IT. You will find your file in MY COMPUTER C software FILES MICROSOFT GAMES FLIGHT SIM SIMOBJECTS AIRPLANES. Copy the SMOKESYSTEM above and paste at the bottom of the file. Be sure that your Flight Sim is not running when you do this. If you already have a smokesystem, delete the existing one and replace it with the one I gave to you above. If you have any questions or comments email me at austinsedivyatyahoo. com. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ENJOY!!!!! Created by Austin Sedivy

Filesize: 1.34 MB | Added on: Sep 07, 2010 | Downloads: 1532