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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Boeing B737-800 China Southern B-5300. Project Opensky B737-800 For flight simulator X China Southern B-5300 Aircraft Info Model: B737-800 Non-Eyebrow Non-Winglets Version for flight simulator X by Project Opensky Team Panel & Sound: flight simulator X Default B737-800 by Microsoft Corporation Virtual Cockpit: flight simulator X Default B737-800 Operation Manual: by Warren C. Daniel of Project Opensky Team China Southern Repaint: by He Lingyuan, China For more information about the aircraft, see PoskyReadme. txt. Here say Thank You to Project Opensky Team for their outstanding contributions to the FS World ! Repainter He Lingyuan: hely19920604athotmai l. com As a memeber of the Skyteam, China Southern is expanding quickly. On domestic routes, China Southern is operating numbers of 737NG, including this B-5300, which is in airlines normal color.

Filesize: 13.22 MB | Added on: Jul 28, 2010 | Downloads: 1346