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ADVANCED Fighter Panel for fs2004. In order to compile the best free MFD gauges for FS2004, i made the panel. ADVF (Panel for Advanced Fighters) with 6 (yeah! SIX) Multi Functional Displays in a single cockpit. The concept for this panel and windows its based in Mirage Rafales Concept Cockpit, where the pilot can use several MFDs, a HUD, Projection on Glass indicators, and several other features included in a futuristic panel. DISCLAIMER SECTION: THIS IS A PANEL CONCEPT for FS2004 I WANT TO THANK TO THE FOLLOWING PERSONS AND ENTITIES: ERIC MARCIANO (For RADAR gauges) TOM WOODS (some gauges included) JOHAN PETERS (some gauges included) SPECIALLY Thanks to: ALPHASIM for recently make freeware distribution aircrafts in the main Website -> http: www. alphasim. co. uk , (link to freeware: http:
Show more... www. easyfly. co. nz Freeware index. php). Some excellent Alphasim gauges are included in this concept panel. ALSO THANKS TO ANY OTHER UNKNOWN GAUGE-AUTHOR INCLUDED IN THIS PANEL. IMPORTANT: ALPHASIM AND ALPHA ARE TRADE MARKS http: www. alphasim. co. uk ALL RIGHTS FOR ORIGINAL GAUGES ARE FOR THEY AUTHORS. No copyright infringement was intended. The free distribution of this panel are allowed only in SURCLARO. COM Servers. ONLY TO BE USED WITH EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Pedro sLmNdR Mayorga pedromayorga75atgmai l. com JUNE 2010 Show less...

Filesize: 7.53 MB | Added on: Jun 22, 2010 | Downloads: 1470

Users Reviews
ADVANCED Fighter Panel FS2004. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

1430478470-facebookrating: 10
June 22, 2011
gooood nice thanks a lot