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This is a set of 6 splash screens of VFA-37 Ragin Bulls the skin i used is available here by Ray Gagnon this is just about as realistic of a skin as ive seen he has done a super job, to use these splash screens go to your flight simulator X root folder and find your Uires folder then make a backup of your dlgsplash. bmp with this being done select the splash screen you would like to use and rename it to dlgsplash. bmp then move it to your Uires folder you will be asked to overwrite the original answer yes and thats it your finished. i used the following fine addons available here to make this set of splash screens. Bob Hedgelons flight simulator X splash templates. Ray Gagnons VFA-37 Ragin Bulls for the flight simulator X Acceleration F A-18

Filesize: 5.49 MB | Added on: Oct 16, 2009 | Downloads: 1182