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Freeair Elitaliana EC135 I-PNTA and I-PNTB operating under ARES 118 (Italian HEMS) in Viterbo and Latina, Italy as Pegaso 33 and Pegaso 44 repaint This bundle is textures exclusively for the amazing Nemeth Designs EC-135 Payware model for FSX http: www. nemethdesigns. com This repaint was made using the paint kit provided in the original download. Original copyright and all intellectual property rights apply to this paint All logos and trademarks are property of the original owners. None of the authors are affiliated with the companies whos logos are represented within. No endorsement of this bundle is implied by the use of the logos or trademarks. by Giulio. Your comments can be sent to me: gasaduemani_at_tisca linet. it Feel free to distribute this paint around, just please be sure to credit me as the original author 2009 Giulio

Filesize: 3.07 MB | Added on: Jun 27, 2009 | Downloads: 2003