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AFS-design Concept Aircrafts, Demoversion for FSX and FS2004, AFS-design brings a excellent rendition of two futuristic Concept Aircrafts with 7 versions on the market. The two Concept Aircrafts are developed from motivation like following movies, Filmen, series and computer games: Stealth (futuristic planes of the US Navy), Star Treck spaceship Enterprise (Shuttles), Battlestar Galactica (Viper), True Lies (Harrier), The 6th Day (scince fiction helicopter), Airwolf AND G Police (Police aircraft of computer game) Model, textures, sound, panel and instruments gauges by www. afs-design. de Author: A. Meyer. P: Halycon Media GmBH & Co. KG

Filesize: 4.98 MB | Added on: May 15, 2009 | Downloads: 3728

Users Reviews
AFS-design Concept Aircrafts Demoversion FSX and FS2004. Rating: 7.56 of 10 over a total of 9 reviews.

yukon62569rating: 1
November 8, 2012
100000902310378-facebookrating: 10
September 24, 2012
Finally, a copter that s not UH1, or small civil copter. This thing details are very good and the handling is also great It quite fast. I m having loads of fun with this, sure you ll have too Thanks for upload guys
100003162073864-facebookrating: 8
December 24, 2011
This is a really cool copter, im wondering if its alien P
strongking43rating: 1
July 21, 2011
This is an amazing helicopter I really hope they have these in the future The only thing about it though that slower you go less control have, and faster more sensitive gets, fact, too sensitive, other way around when mode. But since s so awesome, m still giving a 10. Most of time, time use mode re landing, not like need lot then. You line yourself up properly, then slow down landing gear pretty good speedbrake, land
fc_09619008170357028124rating: 10
March 22, 2011
This is an amazing helicopter I really hope they have these in the future The only thing about it though that slower you go less control have, and faster more sensitive gets, fact, too sensitive, other way around when mode. But since s so awesome, m still giving a 10. Most of time, time use mode re landing, not like need lot then. You line yourself up properly, then slow down landing gear pretty good speedbrake, land
100000538210885-facebookrating: 9
December 3, 2010
nice aircraft on what is it based or fully remade
rylerating: 10
June 17, 2010
nice looking machine
thecowmakerrating: 9
February 5, 2010
Look cool
Vikzombrating: 10
January 12, 2010