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Scenery of Montserrat Island with inside redraw all coasts and land class BRAMBLE (Montserrat (Destroy airport) GERALDS (Montserrat new airport) Observatory (Monserrat heliport) Roads and traffic adjust with land class Ruins of Plymouths City (Churchs, War memorial) Volcano LA Souffriere with effects origin to see site http: fr. wikipedia. org wiki Montserrat It is running under FSX SP2 P3D Prepar3D V2 SP1 (I hope it) Thank you with many persons which made it possible to know this new word and in particular for their softwares articles or blogs and or councils Jacky Brouze see site http: jacky. brouze. ch JAB index. asp Guy Nemos see site http: www. vf-air. com Patrick RENAUDIN (And is runway of Greralds) to see site http: avalsace. free. fr JL Valladier E-Mail :Valladierj_at_yahoo . fr

Filesize: 11.63 MB | Added on: Sep 02, 2008 | Downloads: 1252

Users Reviews
Scenery Montserrat Island with redraw coasts and land. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Graupnerrating: 9
April 23, 2010
Downloads to FSX and is very nifty indeed.