Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft
ATR 42-500 for FS2004, by Francisco Snchez-Castaer. Complet aircraft, panel, panel VC, autopilot and new flight dynamic. This bundle includes anything whats needed to fly this aircraft in flightsimulator. INSTALLATION ATR 42-500 Cimber Air Just copy and paste the aircraft and instruments gauges directorys to your MAIN Flight Simulator 9 directory.. .. The included paints are the following: ATR42-500 Cimber Air OY-CIO ATR42-500 Team Luft Hansa OY-CIU ENJOY!!!

Filesize: 37.92 MB | Added on: May 06, 2006 | Downloads: 6073

Users Reviews
ATR 42-500 FS2004 Francisco Snchez-Castaer. Rating: 7.33 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

Terzi1985rating: 7
May 3, 2011
fc_00228821631397565742rating: 10
September 15, 2010
excelent aircraft
pestereanurating: 8
April 17, 2008
Wonderfull soft, very realistic
joseph-ohiorating: 8
July 31, 2007
Suppeelskerrating: 10
January 29, 2007
Nice aircraft. Hey, if the plane is very good, why do you rate it 1 fool
angioalerating: 1
September 25, 2006
very good