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Thankyou For Downloading my addon and Welcome to the First Mile High MSFS Fresh Air Aircraft Texture file of the Boeing 777-300 created by Stewpot Productions. The texture has come from the Sky-one software mile High. This File Contains 3 Executive Files (. Exe) created for easy Insatllation and i Have also created a an easy read installation guide which goes through all the things you have to do if you get stuck. It also contains easy cut and pastes for your Aircraft. cfg folder so you can have a fully installed Aircraft Textures. Many thanks to Rob Smith For giving me with a Blank Boeing 777-300. Created By Stewpot Productions Thanks to Rob Smith for the Blank Boeing 777-300 Textures repaint Kit.

Filesize: 5.93 MB | Added on: Feb 17, 2006 | Downloads: 1238