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FlighTease.. . a Tease Flight (no offensive images inside) Fly in the Hong Kongs sky, disused Hong Kong Intl (VHHX) is available to give us hospitality, through 8 very special gates at assigned speed and altitude, make a precision landing and the girl will show her best side!!! 6 gates gives you 10 points and 2 gives 20 points (they are just a little more difficult), the precision landing gives 50 points. From the combination of this points your final score could will be: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 or 150. The girls generosity will be proportional at your piloting ability! Two mistakes are allowed. Text and vocal messages will help you during the flight. After takeoff heading indicator will be automatically setted driving you gate by gate and until to the base where youll have
Show more... what you merit;-). Youll have speed and altitude information when near the gates, vocal and text messages help you during the flight. Software accept a range of + 20 feet and + 5 knots enjoy this flight!!! English and Italian version available. By SEA of Michele Giandomenico micmim_at_libero. it Show less...

Filesize: 3.33 MB | Added on: Feb 03, 2006 | Downloads: 3675

Users Reviews
FlighTease.. a Tease Flight offensive images Fly Hong. Rating: 7.20 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

mrawesome445rating: 10
August 25, 2010
TheCaptain178rating: 8
September 12, 2007
Pretty cool add on.
gabopilotorating: 1
April 21, 2007
Es una porqueria
aykutik2rating: 7
August 5, 2006
pfd1740rating: 10
February 8, 2006
definatly a tease no girl in it but definate