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Complete Aircraft
Flightsim FS2004 FS98 Boeing B-52H Stratofortress. This model is an exclusive design for the B-52 Division of the United States Air Force Weapons School at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. This model of #60-0057 is not painted in an existing livery. It shows you how a B-52H would look like if it was owned by the USAFWS. Actually the USAFWS has to lend aircraft from the 2nd BW.

Filesize: 155.00 Kb | Added on: Apr 23, 2001 | Downloads: 4737

Users Reviews
FS2004 FS98 Boeing B-52H Stratofortress. Rating: 6.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

amsfun007rating: 10
April 5, 2003
kl0j0rating: 2
March 11, 2003
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