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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Gmax BlueThunder from the 1980s movie starring Roy Scheider for Fs2004. Features: Reflective textures, Specular Highlights andVirtual cockpit and moving pilots, guns and controls. Model, Sounds and textures by Alan Devins adevins_at_eircom. net

Filesize: 7.21 MB | Added on: Jun 29, 2005 | Downloads: 3501

Users Reviews
Gmax BlueThunder 1980s movie starring Roy Scheider FS2004. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

reapeyflyrating: 9
April 5, 2011
Love it I can pretend m Roy Scheider. Now where s that bloody shark
testest1rating: 10
January 12, 2011
URSSrating: 10
November 2, 2007
Nice add ons
badaktorrating: 9
July 7, 2005
great and smooth flying, guns move with the flight stick, brings back old school movie