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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 VTOLinator. This is a fictional VTOL STOL aircraft powered by two jet engines. Rotating these will allow for almost vertical takeoff and landing, as well as horizontal flight of close to 500 mph. Includes model, flight dynamics, and textures for civilian and military use. By Robbie Eaton: robweb2000_at_hotmai l. com.

Filesize: 352.61 Kb | Added on: Jul 30, 2004 | Downloads: 1943

Users Reviews
FS2002 VTOLinator a fictional VTOL STOL aircraft powered. Rating: 4.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

kenlayrating: 6
August 10, 2006
It was an OK Plane, I think the textures could use some work. can sort of take off vertically, takes about 100 feet though. Takes time to Learn fly. Wish it had a better panel
up-chuckrating: 2
July 30, 2004
no landing lights pilot just a seat CANT GO UP VERTICLY although it does work in FS9