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Fs2004 bae 146 panel v3. 0. Completely new panel for the bae 146.. This new version contents now all. Working system like electric,. Hydraulic, fuel, pressurization. And many other. Those systems. Based as real as possible on the. Real 146 systems and were softwaremed. With the information and description. Of real world bae 146 and arj pilots.. A fully working apu and gpu (not. Just dummies) is also realized. Together with a real battery. Lifetime of 20 minutes. A 100 pages. Manual which is necessary to. Handle all the functions is. Included. This file contents also. Config sets for the use in fs2002.. By matthias lieberecht the bae. Panel project.

Filesize: 5.08 MB | Added on: Jun 08, 2004 | Downloads: 3333

Users Reviews
FS2004 bae 146 panel v3.0. Rating: 8.14 of 10 over a total of 7 reviews.

mnyamatarating: 10
December 9, 2010
I do not find the FS9.cfg file please give me some advice cheers
polodanrating: 10
December 3, 2006
great add on very flight sim should be
finesserating: 8
October 7, 2006
this panel is FANTASTIC, so detailed,so....compl ecated. the only reson that getting an 8 it complacated.warning lights and lots of anoying things. i battle to get started. forget where all swithes are. but bets ive ever seen keep up good work
sten2747rating: 1
March 26, 2006
Very nice work.. I like this it s the best pnel for last two days Greatings from ...Johnny Lurker...
Mathijs999rating: 10
January 9, 2005
Best panel ever.
nightwing6977rating: 8
December 11, 2004
Outstanding work on this one.. Well worth the efforts to modify Acft.CFG file for proper operation......... I rate Lieberecht 1 panel design... Hope see more from genius........
luisfeliperating: 10
August 20, 2004
im speechless, ive been flying a Bae146 for year and i couldnt belive how reall this panel is, exelent work.