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File size

244.30 Kb

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ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Flightplans/

1.47 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Flightplans/Project Opensky -- ERJ-140 - IFR Chicago-O'Hare Intl to Ronald Reagan Washington Natl.PLN

1.87 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Flightplans/Project Opensky -- ERJ-140 - IFR Ronald Reagan Washington Natl to Chicago-O'Hare Intl.PLN

1.54 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Flightplans/Project Opensky -- ERJ-145 - IFR Chicago-O'Hare Intl to Newark Intl.PLN

2.58 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Flightplans/Project Opensky -- ERJ-145 - IFR Newark Intl to Chicago-O'Hare Intl.PLN

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/

3.61 MB
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/model.rd/

3.61 MB
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/model.rd/oserj145lr_rds_wv.mdl

9.82 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OSERJ145ER.air

9.82 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OSERJ145LR.air

23.88 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_check.htm

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_check_files/

314 bytes
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_check_files/colorschememapping.xml

278 bytes
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_check_files/filelist.xml

3.01 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_check_files/themedata.thmx

319.81 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_ref.htm

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_ref_files/

314 bytes
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_ref_files/colorschememapping.xml

276 bytes
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_ref_files/filelist.xml

3.01 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/OS_ERJ_ref_files/themedata.thmx

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/panel/

47.00 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/panel/Thumbs.db

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/

3.04 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_beacon.fx

3.15 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_conden.fx

2.71 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_condens.fx

1.31 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_logo_light.fx

1.29 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_nacelle_refl.fx

3.07 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_nav_yellow.fx

7.05 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_sparks.fx

1.23 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_vortex.fx

1.31 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/Posky Effects/Opensky_wing_light.fx

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/sound/

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/texture/

ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/texture/ERJ145LR - Alitalia 700th Unit Production Embraer 145LR - I-EXML/

9.13 Kb
ERJ145LR - Alitalia I-EXML/texture/ERJ145LR - Alitalia 700th Unit Production Embraer 145LR - I-EXML/OSERJ145LR.air


26.01 MB
80 files

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