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File size

4.78 MB

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6.43 Kb

29.50 Kb
temp/Spreadsheets/FS2K Token Variables.XLS

128.00 Kb
temp/Spreadsheets/Time Rollover Correction.xls


temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/

1.18 Kb
temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/DCvolts.rc

3.86 Kb
temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/voltmeter.c

574 bytes
temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/DCvolts.h

794 bytes
temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/DCvolts.c

temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/bitmaps/

temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/subgauges/

3.86 Kb
temp/Source Codes/DCvoltmeter/subgauges/voltmeter.c

temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/

1019 bytes
temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/panswitch.rc

2.77 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/Panel Switches.dsp

553 bytes
temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/Panel Switches.dsw

565 bytes
temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/panswitch.h

1.05 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/panswitch.c

temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/Subgauges/

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temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/Subgauges/pswitch0.c

2.70 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/Subgauges/pswitch1.c

temp/Source Codes/Panel Switches/Bitmaps/

temp/Source Codes/Tscan/

3.00 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/1900dpri.rc

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1.45 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/1900dpri.h

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temp/Source Codes/Tscan/bitmaps/ASI/

temp/Source Codes/Tscan/bitmaps/Altimeter/

temp/Source Codes/Tscan/bitmaps/VSI/

temp/Source Codes/Tscan/bitmaps/Clock/

temp/Source Codes/Tscan/bitmaps/Attitude/

temp/Source Codes/Tscan/subgauges/

4.61 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/subgauges/vsi.c

23.55 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/subgauges/asi.c

14.30 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/subgauges/alt.c

8.51 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/subgauges/clock.c

7.35 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Tscan/subgauges/attitude.c

temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/

2.85 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/dfd_garnav.c

804 bytes
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/dfd_garnav.h

1.49 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/dfd_garnav.rc

temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Bitmaps/

4.46 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Bitmaps/gi102aPIC.jpeg

4.55 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Bitmaps/gi106aPIC.jpeg

25.85 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Bitmaps/pspbrwse.jbf

temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Subgauges/

19.27 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Subgauges/gi106a.c

16.46 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Garmin VORs/Subgauges/gi102a.c

temp/Source Codes/inc/

1.60 Kb
temp/Source Codes/inc/dragonflight.h

temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/

962 bytes
temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/aeromarine_asi.c

1.13 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/aeromarine_asi.rc

626 bytes
temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/aeromarine_asi.h

temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/Subgauges/

5.27 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/Subgauges/asi.c

temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/Bitmaps/

100.50 Kb
temp/Source Codes/Aeromarine Asi/Bitmaps/Thumbs.db

temp/Source Codes/



temp/Gnu and Borland C++ Header files/

48.00 Kb

temp/MakeGen/Source Code/

2.74 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/frmAbout.frm

12.99 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/frmAbout.frx

4.71 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/frmGetPath.frm

12 bytes
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/frmGetPath.frx

18.63 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/frmPath.frm

1.06 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/frmPath.frx

1.04 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/Makefile.vbp

3.96 Kb
temp/MakeGen/Source Code/SmallDragon.bas



242.55 Kb
temp/FS2K2 Header/FS2K2Gauges.h

temp/FS2K2 Header/

temp/Gauge Sound/FSSound/

temp/Gauge Sound/dooSound/

4.91 Kb
temp/Gauge Sound/dooSound/dooFSSound.lib

538 bytes
temp/Gauge Sound/dooSound/dooFSSound.h

temp/Gauge Sound/


12.75 MB
171 files

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