Thankyou for downloading by first GMAX model of the Zlin 526A Akrobat.
I would also like to thank Michael Vader for the use of his Zlin Panel and Tibor Kókai for allowing me to modify his Zlin AFS air and CFG files. This means that the aircraft may not be an exact flight model of the Akrobat but I think that it is fairly close. If anyone creates an Airfile for the Zlin then I would be happy to use it!
Also included is an Easypaint guide so you can repaint the model into whatever sheme you choose.
Alas no virtual cockpit as I have no inside views of the aircraft (unless someone sends me them in that case version 2 may have one!).

Any problems then contact me at
This file may be used for personal and non-commercial usage. If you create a new paintsheme then why not send me a quick Email of your work.