XP-38N Lightning for FS2002 by David C. Copley
26 Jan 2002


1. If you have a previous version of XP-38N, remove it by removing its folder from the FS2002's Aircraft folder before installing the new version.

2. Unzip the file XP-38N.zip in FS2002's 'Aircraft' folder. A folder named XP-38N and several sub-folders will be created.

3. The panel uses custom gauges. Copy the *.gau files from the XP-38N\gauges folder to fs2002's gauges folder.

4. Copy the file fx_navgre-xp38n.fx found in XP-38N\effects to FS2002's effects folder (this is the starboard NAV light.)

=== Notes ===

This model is intended for FS2002 only. While it shares much in common with its FS2000 and CFS2 predecessors please do not attempt to run it in anything but FS2002.

After installation, there will be two visual models contained within the same XP-38N folder. Within in the simulator, two separate varations of XP-38N will be available: metal and black.

Be sure to visit www.kazoku.org/xp-38n for the latest updates, etc.


*Version History*
26 Jan 2002 - XP-38N ver. 3.1 (FS2002 version)

14 Jul 2001 - XP-38N ver. 3 (CFS2 and FS2000 versions)

21 April 2001 - P-38L: ver. 1.1.0 (XP-38N ver. 3 Phase 1) for CFS2

28 Mar 2001 - P-38L 1.0.0 (XP-38N ver. 3 Phase 1) for CFS2

9 Oct 2000 - metal paint scheme for XP-38N ver. 2 for FS2000

22 Apr 2000 - XP-38N ver. 2 for FS2000

17 Jan 2000 - XP-38N ver. 1.1 for FS98/CFS

20 July 1999 - XP-38N ver. 1.0 for FS98

Sep 1998 - began project XP-38N