version 2.4 notes

Added ability to find what area of loaded scenery an airport belongs to regardless of what apt.dat file it is found in.

Improved default behavior of itens for single clicks and dbl-clicks.

A few more menu items activated.

Has code to partition apt.dat by major airports, seaplane bases and heliports

The airport analysis is limited to detecting that an apt.dat references an airport that does not lie in any of the lat-lon areas of that scenery directory.

The scenery file conflict analysis is complete.

The error report of lat-lon file conflicts at the ENV and the DSF level is now reporting both sides of any one two-way conflict making resolution much easier.

Performance improved infile-conflict analysis (still slow for 10,000+ files)

Many new menu items added.
Dbl-click of any directory, area or file displays the airports implicated.
